Milford Haven Rd, Lae, PNG +675 472 2555

Our History

Home History


Our History


The Institute is presently headed by Dr.Michale Hasagama He is ably assisted by three deputies,namely Mr. Masi Fuawe (Deputy Director - Administration). Mr. Chrise Wani (Deputy Director - Academic) and Mr.Paul Tlogua (Deputy Director - Student Services).

2nd December, 2009

The National Polytechnic Institute of Papua New Guinea (NPIPNG or Polytec PNG for short) was officially launched on 2nd December 2009 with the Governor General, Sir Paulias Matane, making the official declaration and unveiling of the commemoration plaque.


In 2009 the committee was tasked to carry out year-long activities—ranging from formulation of new vision and mission statements, strategic and management plans, policies and procedures on student affairs, governance and management, finance, and human resource development to academic matters among others—culminating into the official launching of the country’s first polytechnic institute one day before the 55th and last graduation rite of the former Lae Technical College.

The National Department of Education established the National Polytechnic Institute as the first of four polytechnics envisioned to be created in each of the four regions of the country. The conversion from being a technical and business college to a polytechnic institute was realized through the initiative of Technical Vocational Education and Training wing, and was spearheaded by the college’s Governing Council and administration together with its six academic departments.

August 2008

On August 2008 a fact-finding team of five was sent to New Zealand to study the organizational structure set up, operation and management, and academic programs of selected polytechnics and institutes of technology.

Upon its return the team presented its findings and recommendations in a comprehensive report to the Governing Council. The report was well received by the Governing Council that created the Polytechnic Committee.


The National Polytechnic Institute was legally established in 2008 by the National Education Board acting under its authority as provided by Education Act 1983.


In 1993 first of the four semester diploma program or two years full-time studies was introduced to replace CHTE programs.


Between 1979-1980 the continuous High School Technical Education program was phased out and replaced with the 40 Week Pre-Employment Technical Training Certificate (PETT) that takes in Grade 10 school leavers. Various programs for award of Certificate in Higher Technical Education (CHTE) and various tradesmen extension courses were also conducted


Status changed from school to college in 1965 and there was significant infrastructure development with plan to introduce new programs. But the College was running continuous High School Technical Education Program in which Grade 8 students continue to Technical College to do Grade 9 and 10.


In 1954, it was relocated to its present site with initially one administration block, two workshop units, one dining hall, and one toilet block. The school commenced its first apprentice program in 1955.


Formerly Lae Technical College or school as it was known then, was established in 1953 at Busu Secondary school grounds.


Milford Haven Rd, Lae, PNG

+675 472 2555

Working Hours

  • MON: 8:00am - 4:06pm
  • TUE: 8:00am - 4:06pm
  • WED: 8:00am - 4:06pm
  • THU: 8:00am - 4:06pm
  • FRI: 8:00am - 4:06pm
  • SAT & SUN: Closed